Video: Jay Shanks Texas Legends

Aging Evolutionu's featured member Jay Shanks, 45, started lifting weights back in high school. According to Jay, lifting weights has always been her exercise of choice. About four years ago Jay decided to take her training to the next level and started seeing amazing results.

At the end of 2014, Jay recalls a few people asking her if she competed and that put the bug in her ear. After contacting Jeff Dwelle and mulling over the information for about a month, Jay decided to compete. Her initial hesitation was the diet. She would be eating like never before, not only healthier choices, but also the sheer volume. Jay understood that to take her body to the next level would require a drastic change.

Since starting her journey Jay has competed and placed in four Figure Master's shows. She is already training for her next show, Masters Nationals in Pittsburgh July (2017).